Not Scientists (FRA) + Goofy Head

NOT SCIENTISTS – Punk Rock from France (con membri di UNCOMMONMEN FROM MARS)

Not Scientists are a band from France that sings in English. Since 2012 they’ve released an album and an extended EP and toured extensively through Europe and North America supporting a who’s who of international touring bands. It’s impossible to define their sound by dropping a few names, but If you put Televisions’ vocals over the Strokes covering Fugazi and added a kilo of the Cure turned way up, you would get close. Their second album “Golden Staples” was released on Kidnap Records and Rookie Records on April 13th, 2018.

GOOFY HEAD – Punk Rock da Treviso

Inizio ore 22.00
Evento ad offerta libera rivolto ai soci Arci

The event is finished.


Mar 15 2019



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