BLOWFUSE – Punk Rock da Barcelona
Blowfuse is an alternative rock band that emerged in 2013 in Barcelona, Spain. Inspired by a wide range of music styles such as punk, rock, hardcore, grunge, funk… and marked by a frenetic and dissatisfied generation, Blowfuse continuesly attempts to create a unique sound of their own and a distinct way of expressing themselves that leaves nobody indifferent. The band’s crazy live performances and the energetic skateboarding lifestyle that took part of their lives makes them one of the funniest bands to watch live and brings their shows to another level. Catchy but straightforward, melodic but furious, sharp but groovy… A great recipe that always tastes like more.

360 FLIP – Punk Rock da Venezia

Inizio ore 21.45
Evento ad offerta libera rivolto ai soci Arci
Info su circolo e tesseramento:

The event is finished.


Dic 19 2019


21:45 - 18:00

Essere Soci Arci

L’Arci (Associazione Ricreativa Culturale Italiana) è una grande associazione apartitica e progressista, con tantissimi circoli in tutta Italia.

Tutte le attività del Circolo sono riservate a sociə e la quota sociale annuale è di 13 €.

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